Sample Pack Friday: Jungle Adventure
By: JingYi Xie
My sound pack consists of sounds I would envision during my imaginary adventure in a jungle. I pictured a rainy, thundering forest night, then the sun rising and the animals awakening. Two of the sounds in my sound pack I created myself. The rain was created by a pen tapping on a table and we captured the elephant steps sound by stomping on the ground. The original sounds were a bit dull so I added some effects to it, turned up the reverb and changed the pitch of both sounds.
All of the other samples were either created or uploaded into Soundtrap. However, all of those clips were altered to make them sound unique. For example, I downloaded the cricket sound from the website “Freesound” and then uploaded that into soundtrap where I added effects Slapback and Classic Dist. I also changed the pitch down by 3 and used the fade in and fade out button to give more dimension. I hope the people who listen to this sound pack hear the same thing that I do and can imagine themselves standing in a jungle surrounded by nature and animals.
For “Crickets”:
First I changed the pitch down by 3 to lower the frequency of the sound.
I then added the effects Classic Dist and Slapback and turned the Reverb up
For “Elephant”:
Since I recorded this sound on my Mac, the original clip was a bit dull so I added the effects Brighter and Slapback to brighten the tone.