NYMMEP The Art of Podcasting Wrap-up: Podcasting 101


The Art of Podcasting is part of New York Music Month Extended Play, an initiative of the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment.

For the first workshop of our podcasting series, we had Nina Pollock show us the basics of how to create a podcast. Here’s our review, as well as some resources!



For our first NYMM Extended Play podcasting workshop, Nina Pollock answered the following questions:

-Anyone can make a podcast but should you?

-What gear/software do you need to get started?

-Why does good gear matter?

-How long should your podcast be?

-How often should it come out?

-Does consistency matter?

-What format works best?

-How many formats are there?

-Can I change my format?

-How can you use music/SFX to elevate your story?

-What’s an intro and outro?

-What’s a podcast trailer?

-How do we engage listeners and keep them interested?

-Is communicating with my audience necessary/a good idea?

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources that Nina has provided to further your learning about podcasts:

Podcasting Glossary

Radio Diaries DIY Handbook

This American Life: Make Radio

Transom: A Showcase and Workshop for New Public Radio

Create a Podcast Trailer

Scripting Your Podcast Intro, Outro, and Teaser

AIR Media

Check out future workshops podcasting by clicking here!