Sutiweyu Sandoval

Workshop Leader


Sutiweyu Sandoval is a Guatemalan Garifuna facilitator and music lover who organizes cultural events and mixes up Pan-African flavors in his workshops.

A fundamental love of music and movement has always been a part of Sutiweyu Sandoval's life. His passion for dance transitioned seamlessly into Djing and music production which led to a global impact within the street dance world as "K. Sabroso".

Interested in exploring the dance music on a broader scale; he rebranded as "Broso" and began combining music from across the African Diaspora and fusing it with electronic flavors, hood elements and his own Central American roots. The popularity of this innovative mix led to performances and residencies at clubs and parties across the globe.

Alongside the creative output, there has been an arts education component for 2 decades. Beginning with dance and leading to music appreciation, production and Djing lessons, Sutiweyu has taught across all age ranges in various parts of the world.

Currently, Sutiweyu is focused on leveraging the lessons of his creative journey into developing educational resources and community events with a distinct emphasis on South Los Angeles.